Publications by Menzo Windhouwer
in the pipeline,
papers, chapters and extended abstracts,
standards and technical reports,
presentations, lectures, posters and demonstrations,
workshops and tutorials,
Google Scholar
Semantic Scholar
In the pipeline
upcoming (0)
accepted (0)
submitted (0)
2019 (1)
Menzo Windhouwer awarded the 2019 Steven Krauwer Award for CLARIN Achievements
Papers, chapters and extended abstracts
2024 (1)
K. Meijer, M. Windhouwer
The CLARIAH-NL FAIR Vocabulary Registry.
At the CLARIN Annual Conference,
Barcelona, Spain,
October 15 - 17 2024.
2022 (2)
M. Windhouwer, T. Goosen.
Component Metadata Infrastructure.
In Darja Fišer and Andreas Witt (eds.),
CLARIN - The Infrastructure for Language Resources,
De Gruyter,
October, 2022.
R. Sluijter, J. Oddens, R. Hoekstra, M. Koolen, R. van Koert, M. Windhouwer, H. Brugman, F. Gordijn.
Opening the Gates to the Dutch Republic: A Comparison between Analogue and Digital Editions of the Resolutions of the States General.
In Digital Parliamentary Data in Action (DiPaDA 2022),
Uppsala, Sweden,
March 15, 2022.
2019 (3)
Q. Ding, T. Meder, M. Windhouwer.
ISEBEL an Intelligent Search Engine for Belief Legends.
In Digital Humanities 2019: Conference Abstracts (DH 2019),
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
July 9-12, 2019.
D. Broeder, Q. Ding, B. Leenknegt, M. Windhouwer.
A CLARIAH Environment for Linguistic Research.
In Digital Humanities 2019: Conference Abstracts (DH 2019),
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
July 9-12, 2019.
Note: due to an error my name has been ommitted as co author from the paper.
M. Maas, J. Noordzij, M. Windhouwer.
Graphs with GraphQL in Timbuctoo.
At the Graph Technologies in the Digital Humanities: Modelling, Access, Comparison,
Mainz, Germany,
January 18-19, 2019.
2018 (1)
R. Zeeman, M. Windhouwer.
Tweak Your CMDI Forms to the Max.
At the CLARIN Annual Conference,
Pisa, Italy,
October 8-10, 2018.
2017 (5)
D. Broeder, J.T. Bakker, M. Van der Laan, M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, M. Grootveld.
Building CLARIN Infrastructure in the Netherlands.
In J. Odijk and A. van Hessen (eds.),
CLARIN in the Low Countries,
Ubiquity Press,
December, 2017.
M. Windhouwer, E. Indarto, D. Broeder.
CMD2RDF: Building a Bridge from CLARIN to Linked Open Data.
In J. Odijk and A. van Hessen (eds.),
CLARIN in the Low Countries,
Ubiquity Press,
December, 2017.
M. Windhouwer, A. Dimitriadis, V. Akerman.
Curating the Typological Database System.
In J. Odijk and A. van Hessen (eds.),
CLARIN in the Low Countries,
Ubiquity Press,
December, 2017.
T. Eckart, T. Goosen, S. Haaf, H. Hedeland, O. Ohren, D. Van Uytvanck, M. Windhouwer.
Component Metadata Infrastructure Best Practices for CLARIN.
At the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Budapest, Hungary,
September 19 - 21, 2017.
D.A. Zeldenrust, N.A. Wijsbek, M. Windhouwer.
Data van Dagboeken (Data from Diaries).
In Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences,
September, 2017.
2016 (5)
P. Trilsbeek, M. Windhouwer.
FLAT: A CLARIN-compatible repository solution based on Fedora Commons.
At the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Aix-en-Provence, France,
October 26 - 28, 2016.
O. Shkaravska, M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer.
OpenSKOS next edition: triplestore support for controlled vocabularies.
At the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Aix-en-Provence, France,
October 26 - 28, 2016.
M. Windhouwer, T. Goosen, J. Misutka, D. van Uytvanck, D. Broeder.
Flexible Community-driven Metadata with the Component Metadata Infrastructure.
In Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts (DH 2016),
Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University,
Kraków, Poland,
July 12 - 16, 2016.
M. Windhouwer, M. Kemps-Snijders, P. Trilsbeek, A. Moreira, B. van der Veen, G. Silva, D. von Rhein.
FLAT: constructing a CLARIN compatible home for language resources.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Portorož, Slovenia,
May 23 - 28, 2016.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer, O. Ohren, D. Zeman.
CLARIN Concept Registry: The New Semantic Registry.
In K. De Smedt (ed.),
Selected Papers from the CLARIN 2015 Conference,
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings,
April, 2016.
(Extended version of the CAC 2015 abstract)
2015 (3)
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer, O. Ohren, D. Zeman.
CLARIN Concept Registry: the new semantic registry.
At the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Wroclaw, Poland,
October 15 - 17, 2015.
J. Blumtritt, W. Elbers, M. Hinrichs, W. Qiu, T. Goosen, M. Sallé, M. Windhouwer.
User Delegation in the CLARIN Infrastructure.
In J. Odijk (ed.),
Selected Papers from the CLARIN 2014 Conference,
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings,
August, 2015.
(Extended version of the CAC 2014 abstract)
T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer, O. Ohren, A. Herold, T. Eckart, M. Durco, O. Schonefeld.
CMDI 1.2: Improvements in the CLARIN Component Metadata Infrastructure.
In J. Odijk (ed.),
Selected Papers from the CLARIN 2014 Conference,
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings,
August, 2015.
(Extended version of the CAC 2014 abstract)
2014 (9)
J. Blumtritt, W. Elbers, T. Goosen, M. Sallé, M. Windhouwer.
User Delegation in the CLARIN Infrastructure.
At the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Soesterberg, The Netherlands,
October 23 - 25, 2014.
T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer, O. Ohren, A. Herold, T. Eckart, M. Durco, O. Schonefeld.
CMDI 1.2: Improvements in the CLARIN Component Metadata Infrastructure.
At the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Soesterberg, The Netherlands,
October 23 - 25, 2014.
S.E. Wright, M. Windhouwer, I. Schuurman, D. Broeder.
Segueing from a Data Category Registry to a Data Concept Registry.
In Proceedings on the 11th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE 2014),
Berlin, Germany,
June 19 - 20, 2014.
(HAL: hal-01005840)
D. Broeder, I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
Experiences with the ISOcat Data Category Registry.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Reykjavik, Iceland,
May 28 - 30, 2014.
M. Windhouwer, I. Schuurman.
Linguistic resources and cats: how to use ISOcat, RELcat and SCHEMAcat.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Reykjavik, Iceland,
May 28 - 30, 2014.
P. Lenkiewicz, O. Shkaravska, T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer, D. Broeder, S. Roth and O. Olsson.
The DWAN framework: Application of a web annotation framework for the general humanities to the domain of language resources.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Reykjavik, Iceland,
May 28 - 30, 2014.
M. Windhouwer, J. Petro, S. Shayan.
RELISH LMF: Unlocking the Full Power of the Lexical Markup Framework.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Reykjavik, Iceland,
May 28 - 30, 2014.
M. Durco, M. Windhouwer.
The CMD Cloud.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Reykjavik, Iceland,
May 28 - 30, 2014.
M. Durco, M. Windhouwer.
From CLARIN Component Metadata to Linked Open Data.
In Proceedings of the third Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Multilingual Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Processing (LDL 2014). At LREC 2014,
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Reykjavik, Iceland,
May 27, 2014.
2013 (7)
M. Durco, M. Windhouwer.
Semantic Mapping in CLARIN Component Metadata.
In E. Garoufallou and J. Greenberg (eds.),
Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR 2013),
CCIS Vol. 390,
Thessaloniki, Greece,
November 20 - 22, 2013.
S. Shayan, A. Moreira, M. Windhouwer, A. Koenig, S. Drude.
LEXUS 3 - a collaborative environment for multimedia lexica.
At Digital Humanities (DH 2013).
Lincoln Nebraska,
July 16 - 19, 2013.
M. Windhouwer, I. Schuurman, S.E. Wright.
Collaboratively Defining Widely Accepted Linguistic Data Categories in the ISOcat Data Category Registry.
At the ESWC2013 Workshop on Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces (SWCS2013).
Montpellier, France,
May 27, 2013.
S.E. Wright, M. Windhouwer, I. Schuurman, M. Kemps-Snijders.
Community efforts around the ISOcat Data Category Registry.
In I. Gurevych and J. Kim (eds.),
The People's Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Language Resources,
April, 2013.
M. Windhouwer, S.E. Wright.
LMF and the Data Category Registry: principles and application.
In G. Francopoulo (ed.),
LMF: Lexical Markup Framework, theory and practice,
March, 2013.
M. Windhouwer, J. Petro, I. Nevskaya, S. Drude, H. Aristar-Dry, J. Gippert.
Creating a serialization of LMF: the experience of the RELISH project.
In G. Francopoulo (ed.),
LMF: Lexical Markup Framework, theory and practice,
March, 2013.
S.E. Wright, M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat - im Reich der Datenkategorien.
In the special issue on Datenkategorien in der Terminologie of eDITion - Fachzeitschrift für Terminology,
1/2013, pp 8-12, February 2013.
(German translation thanks to D. Reineke)
2012 (8)
O. Crasborn, M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat data categories for signed language resources.
In E. Efthimiou, G. Kouroupetroglou and S. Fotinea (eds.),
Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction and Embodied Communication,
LNCS/LNAI Vol. 7206, Springer, 2012.
M. Windhouwer.
RELcat: a Relation Registry for ISOcat data categories.
In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Istanbul, Turkey,
May 23 - 25, 2012.
D. Broeder, D. van Uytvanck, M. Windhouwer, M. Gavrilidou, T. Trippel.
Standardizing a Component Metadata Infrastructure.
In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Istanbul, Turkey,
May 23 - 25, 2012.
H. Aristar-Dry, S. Drude, J. Gippert, I. Nevskaya, M. Windhouwer.
Rendering Endangered Lexicons Interoperable through Standards Harmonization: the RELISH project.
In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Istanbul, Turkey,
May 23 - 25, 2012.
M. Durco, D. Broeder, M. Windhouwer.
Semantic Mapping - groundwork for query expansion and semantic search.
In the Proceedings of the Metadata 2012 Workshop on Describing Language Resources with Metadata: Towards Flexibility and Interoperability in the Documentation of Language Resources.
At LREC 2012,
Istanbul, Turkey,
May 22, 2012.
M. Windhouwer, D. Broeder, D. van Uytvanck.
A CMD Core Model for CLARIN Web Services.
In the Proceedings of the Metadata 2012 Workshop on Describing Language Resources with Metadata: Towards Flexibility and Interoperability in the Documentation of Language Resources.
At LREC 2012,
Istanbul, Turkey,
May 22, 2012.
D. Broeder, M. Windhouwer, D. van Uytvanck, T. Goosen, T. Trippel.
CMDI: a Component Metadata Infrastructure.
In the Proceedings of the Metadata 2012 Workshop on Describing Language Resources with Metadata: Towards Flexibility and Interoperability in the Documentation of Language Resources.
At LREC 2012,
Istanbul, Turkey,
May 22, 2012.
M. Windhouwer, S.E. Wright.
Linking to linguistic data categories in ISOcat.
In C. Chiarcos, S. Nordhoff and S. Hellmann (eds),
Linked Data in Linguistics - Representing and Connecting Language Data and Language Metadata
(LDL 2012),
© Springer-Verlag, pp 99-107,
Frankfurt/Main, Germany,
March 7 - 9, 2012.
2011 (4)
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
Explicit Semantics for Enriched Documents. What Do ISOcat, RELcat and SCHEMAcat Have To Offer?
In the Proceedings of the 2nd Supporting Digital Humanities conference (SDH 2011).
Copenhagen, Denmark,
November 17 - 18, 2011.
D. Broeder, J. Ringersma, H. Sloetjes, P. Trilsbeek, D. van Uytvanck, M. Windhouwer, P. Wittenburg.
Evolving challenges in Archiving and Data Infrastructures.
In G.L.J. Haig, N. Nau, S. Schnell and C. Wegener (eds), Documenting Endangered Languages: Achievements and perspectives, Mouton de Gruyter, November 2011.
H. Verweij, M. Windhouwer, P. Wittenburg.
Knowledge Management for Small Languages.
In the Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2011),
Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia,
June 27 - 30, 2011.
O. Crasborn, M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat data categories for signed language resources.
In the 9th International Gesture Workshop (GW 2011),
Athens, Greece,
May 25 - 27, 2011.
2010 (3)
D. Broeder, M. Kemps-Snijders, D. Van Uytvanck, M. Windhouwer, P. Withers, P. Wittenburg, C. Zinn.
A Data Category Registry- and Component-based Metadata Framework.
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
May 19 - 21, 2010.
S.E. Wright, M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer.
The OWL and the ISOcat: Modeling Relations in and around the DCR.
In proceedings of the LREC 2010 LRT standards workshop.
May 18, 2010.
Note: due to an error the paper has been omitted from the online proceedings.
M. Windhouwer, S.E. Wright, M. Kemps-Snijders.
Referencing ISOcat data categories.
In proceedings of the LREC 2010 LRT standards workshop.
May 18, 2010.
2009 (2)
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, P. Wittenburg, S.E. Wright.
ISOcat: Remodeling Metadata for Language Resources.
In the special issue on the Open Forum on Metadata Registries of the International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO),
4(4), pp 261-276, November 2009.
A. Dimitriadis, M. Windhouwer, A. Saulwick, R. Goedemans, T. Bíró.
How to integrate databases without starting a typology war: The Typological Database System.
In S. Musgrave, M. Everaert and A. Dimitriadis (eds), The Use of Databases in Cross-Linguistic Studies, Mouton de Gruyter, March 2009.
2008 (5)
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, S.E. Wright.
Putting data categories in their semantic context.
In proceedings of the IEEE e-Humanities Workshop (e-Humanities),
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, December 10, 2008.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, P. Wittenburg, S.E. Wright.
A Revised Data Model for the ISO Data Category Registry.
In Bodil Nistrup Madsen, Hanne Erdman Thomsen (eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (TKE2008),
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 18 - 21, 2008.
M. Windhouwer, A. Dimitriadis.
Sustainable operability: Keeping complex resources alive.
In Andreas Witt, Georg Rehm, Thomas Schmidt, Khalid Choukri, Lou Burnard (eds),
Proceedings of the LREC 2008 Workshop Sustainability of Language Resources and Tools for Natural Language Processing (SustainableNLP08),
Marrakech, Morocco, May 31, 2008.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, P. Wittenburg, S.E. Wright.
ISOcat: Corralling Data Categories in the Wild.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Marrakech, Morocco, May 28 - 30, 2008.
M. Kemps-Snijders, C. Zinn, J. Ringersma, M. Windhouwer.
Ensuring Semantic Interoperability on Lexical Resources.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008),
European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
Marrakech, Morocco, May 28 - 30, 2008.
2005 (4)
A. Dimitriadis, A. Saulwick, M. Windhouwer.
Semantic relations in ontology mediated linguistic data integration.
In Proceedings of the E-MELD Workshop on Morphosyntactic Annotation and Terminology: Linguistic Ontologies and Data Categories for Linguistic Resources (E-MELD 2005),
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 1 - 3, 2005.
A. Saulwick, M. Windhouwer, A. Dimitriadis, R. Goedemans.
Distributed tasking in ontology mediated integration of typological databases for linguistic research.
In J. Castro and E. Teniente (eds),
Proceedings of the CAiSE'05 Workshops (International Workshop on Data Integration and the Semantic Web (DISWeb'05) in conjuction with CAiSE'05),
Volume I, pp 303-317,
Porto, Portugal, June 14, 2005.
M. Windhouwer, M.L. Kersten.
Digital Media Warehouses.
In L. C. Rivero and J. H. Doorn and V. E. Ferraggine (eds),
Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications,
Idea Group Publishing, pp 191-194, September 2005.
M. Windhouwer.
Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics: Typological Database System - Case Study.
Case study on the 1060 Research website.
February 2005.
2004 (1)
F. van der Lijn, M. Windhouwer.
Grammar Enables Effective Multimedia Search Queries.
In ERCIM News,
No. 59, October 2004.
2003 (3)
M. Windhouwer.
Feature Grammar Systems - Incremental Maintenance of Indexes to Digital Media Warehouses.
Ph.D. Thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2003.
(see also CWI for an all-in-one PDF)
M. Windhouwer, R. van Zwol.
Combining Concept- with Content-based Multimedia Retrieval.
In H. M. Blanken and T. Grabs and H.-J. Schek and R. Schenkel and G. Weikum (eds),
Intelligent Search on XML Data,
Volume 2818 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), © Springer-Verlag, pp 217-230, August 2003.
M. Windhouwer, A.R. Schmidt, R. van Zwol, M. Petkovic, H.E. Blok.
Flexible Digital Library Search.
In A. Dahanayake and W. Gerhardt (eds),
Web-enabled Systems Integration: Challenges and Practices,
pp 200-224, Idea Group Publishing, 2003.
(see also Technical report INS-R0111)
2002 (1)
A.H. Salden, F. Aldershoff, S. Iacob, R. Otte, M. Windhouwer.
Web-enabled Advanced Multimedia Systems.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2002),
pp 117-120, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA, December 2002.
2001 (2)
A.R. Schmidt, M.L. Kersten, M. Windhouwer.
Querying XML Documents Made Easy: Nearest Concept Queries.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2001),
pp 321-329, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2001.
F. Nack, M. Windhouwer, L. Hardman, E. Pauwels, M. Huijberts.
The Role of High-level and Low-level Features in Style-based Retrieval and Generation of Multimedia Presentations.
In The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (NRHM),
volume 7 pp 39-65, 2001.
(see also Technical report INS-R0108)
2000 (3)
A.P. de Vries, M. Windhouwer, P.M.G. Apers, M.L. Kersten.
Information Access in Multimedia Databases based on Feature Models.
In New Generation Computing (NGC),
18(4), pp 323-339, October 2000.
A.R. Schmidt, M.L. Kersten, M. Windhouwer, F. Waas.
Efficient Relational Storage and Retrieval of XML Documents (Extended version).
In The World Wide Web and Databases,
Volume 1997 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), © Springer-Verlag, pp 137-150, 2000.
A.R. Schmidt, M.L. Kersten, M. Windhouwer, F. Waas.
Efficient Relational Storage and Retrieval of XML Documents.
In International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB 2000 in conjunction with ACM SIGMOD),
pp 47-52, Dallas, TX, USA, May 2000.
1999 (2)
M. Windhouwer, A.R. Schmidt, M.L. Kersten.
Acoi: A System for Indexing Multimedia Objects.
In International Workshop on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (IIWAS99),
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, November 1999.
A.R. Schmidt, M. Windhouwer, M.L. Kersten.
Feature Grammars.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 1999),
Orlando, FL, USA, August 1999.
(see also Technical report INS-R9902)
1998 (1)
M.L. Kersten, N. Nes, M. Windhouwer.
A Feature Database for Multimedia Objects.
In 11th ERCIM Database Research Group Workshop on Metadata for Web Databases,
pp 49-57, Bonn, Germany, May 1998.
(see also Technical report INS-R9807)
Standards and technical reports
2023 (1)
D. Broeder, M. Kleemola, D. Tudhope, M. Windhouwer
Vocabulary Versioning..
SSH Vocabulary Commons, Augus 2023.
2019 (2)
Language resource management -- Component metadata infrastructure (CMDI) -- Part 2: Component metadata specification language.
ISO 24622-2:2019, ISO, Geneve, Switzerland, July, 2019.
CLARIN CMDI & Metadata Curation Task Forces.
CLARIN's CMDI Best Practices Guide - version 1.2.0.
CLARIN ERIC, Utrecht, The Netherlands, February 2019.
2018 (1)
CLARIN CMDI & Metadata Curation Task Forces.
CLARIN's CMDI Best Practices Guide - version 1.1.1.
CLARIN ERIC, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 2018.
2017 (1)
CLARIN CMDI & Metadata Curation Task Forces.
CLARIN's CMDI Best Practices Guide.
CE-2017-1076, CLARIN ERIC, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 2017.
(draft to sollicit feedback)
2016 (1)
CMDI 1.2 specification.
CE-2016-0880, CLARIN ERIC, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 2016.
2014 (1)
CMDI 1.2 changes - executive summary.
CE-2014-0318, CLARIN ERIC, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 2014.
2009 (1)
Terminology and other language and content resources -- Specification of data categories and management of a Data Category Registry for language resources.
ISO 12620:2009, ISO, Geneve, Switzerland, December, 2009.
2001 (2)
M. Windhouwer, A.R. Schmidt, R. van Zwol, M. Petkovic, H.E. Blok.
Flexible and Scalable Digital Library Search.
Technical Report INS-R0111, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 2001.
F. Nack, M. Windhouwer, E. Pauwels, M. Huijberts, L. Hardman.
The Role of High-level and Low-level Features in Semi-automated Retrieval and Generation of Multimedia Presentations.
Technical Report INS-R0108, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2001.
1999 (1)
A.R. Schmidt, M. Windhouwer, M.L. Kersten.
Indexing Real-world Data Using Semi-structured Documents.
Technical Report INS-R9902, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 1999.
1998 (1)
M.L. Kersten, N. Nes, M. Windhouwer.
A Feature Database for Multimedia Objects.
Technical Report INS-R9807, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 1998.
Presentations, lectures, posters and demonstrations
2024 (9)
M. Windhouwer.
The HuC CMDI editor: What is new?
Poster & demo at the CLARIN Annual Conference,
Barcelona, Spain,
October 15 - 17 2024.
D. Broeder, M. Windhouwer, M. Kurzmeier.
SKGs for research communities.
Poster at the CLARIN Annual Conference,
Barcelona, Spain,
October 15 - 17 2024.
A. König, M. Windhouwer, T. Goosens.
Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI) Help Desk, News, Discussion and Rumours.
Poster at the CLARIN Annual Conference,
Barcelona, Spain,
October 15 - 17 2024.
K. Meijer, M. Windhouwer.
Lenticular Lens.
Poster & demo at the CLARIN Annual Conference,
Barcelona, Spain,
October 15 - 17 2024.
K. Meijer, L. Melgar, M. Windhouwer.
FAIR Vocabulary Registry.
Poster & demo at the CLARIAH Conference,
Leiden, The Netherlands,
June 13, 2024.
R. Zeeman, M. Windhouwer.
Data stories.
Poster & demo at the CLARIAH Conference,
Leiden, The Netherlands,
June 13, 2024.
Q. Ding, M. Windhouwer.
Poster & demo at the CLARIAH Conference,
Leiden, The Netherlands,
June 13, 2024.
M. Windhouwer, Q. Ding, W. Steinhoff.
FAIR Assessment in CLARIAH.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Conference,
Leiden, The Netherlands,
June 13, 2024.
M. Windhouwer
Dataverse & CMDI.
Presentation at the CLARIN Centre Meeting,
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
June 12, 2024.
2023 (6)
M. Windhouwer.
FAIR(ness) assessment in CLARIAH.
Presentation at the 2nd CLARIAH Tech & Data Day,
Den Haag, The Netherlands,
September 28, 2023.
V. Ding, M. Windhouwer.
What does FAIR mean in CLARIAH?.
Poster at the CLARIAH Tech & Data Day,
Leiden, The Netherlands,
June 29, 2023.
M. van der Peet, M. Windhouwer.
SPeech AQuisition.
Poster at the CLARIAH Tech & Data Day,
Leiden, The Netherlands,
June 29, 2023.
R. Zeeman, M. Windhouwer.
Data Stories.
Poster at the CLARIAH Tech & Data Day,
Leiden, The Netherlands,
June 29, 2023.
R. Zeeman, M. Windhouwer.
HuC CMDI Editor.
Presentation at the CLARIN Centre Meeting,
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
June 14, 2023.
M. Windhouwer, V. Ding, K. Meijer, S. Tykhonov, R. Klein, R. Zeeman, B. Doppen.
FAIR Datasets, FAIR Vocabularies, Data Stories.
Presentation at CLARIAH Open Tech Day,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
March 30, 2023.
2022 (10)
M. Windhouwer.
FAIR Vocabulary Registry.
Presentation at FAIR Semantics Infrastructure,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
October 6, 2022.
M. Windhouwer.
*cats & LLOD.
Presentation at FAIR Semantics Infrastructure,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
October 6, 2022.
CMDI and Metadata Curation task forces.
Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI) Help Desk, News, Discussion and Rumours.
Stall at the CLARIAH Annual Conference,
Prague, Czechia,
October 11, 2022.
M. Windhouwer.
Requirements for facilitating storytelling with data.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Tech Day,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
September 29, 2022.
M. Windhouwer, M. van Gompel.
The Role of Registries and CLARIAH's development strategy.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Tech Day,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
September 29, 2022.
M. Windhouwer.
FAIR Datasets, Vocabularies & Data Stories.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Tech Day,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
June 30, 2022.
R. Ordelman, W. Sanders, R. Zijdeman, R. Klein, J. Noordegraaf, J. Van Gorp, M. Wigham, M. Windhouwer.
Data Stories in CLARIAH -- Developing a Research Infrastructure for Storytelling with Heritage and Culture Data.
Poster at the DARIAH Annual Event 2022: Storytelling,
Athens, Greece,
May 31, 2022.
R. Ordelman, M. Windhouwer.
Data Stories update.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Tech Day,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
March 31, 2022.
R. Ordelman, M. Windhouwer.
FAIR Vocabularies update.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Tech Day,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
March 31, 2022.
R. Ordelman, M. Windhouwer.
FAIR Datasets update.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Tech Day,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
March 31, 2022.
2021 (5)
M. Windhouwer.
What is the current vocabulary support in CMDI.
Presentation at the The CMDI Sessions - Session #2: Vocabularies for CMDI.
Virtual Event,
December 14, 2021.
M. Windhouwer.
Presentation at the CLARIN Centre Meeting.
Virtual Event,
June 10, 2021.
M. Windhouwer.
TLA-FLAT DoorKeeper.
Presentation at the CLARIN Centre Meeting.
Virtual Event,
June 9, 2021.
R. Zeeman, M. Windhouwer.
Presentation at the The CMDI Sessions - Session #1: Metadata Creation.
Virtual Event,
April 20, 2021.
M. Windhouwer, M. van der Peet.
Speech Acquisition- next steps in a Meertens tradition.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Tech Day.
Virtual Event,
March 25, 2021.
2020 (1)
CMDI task force.
Core components for CLARIN metadata and other developments.
Stall at the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Virtual Event,
October 5 - 7, 2020.
2019 (3)
M. Maas, M. Windhouwer, J. Noordzij, R. Dekker.
Versioning & Provenance in Timbuctoo.
Demonstration at DH Benelux 2019,
Liege, Belgium,
September 11 - 13, 2019.
R. Zeeman, M. Windhouwer.
Tweak Your CMDI Forms to the Max.
Demonstration at the CLARIAH Toogdag 2019,
Hilversum, The Netherlands,
April 5, 2019.
B. Leenknegt, M. Windhouwer.
A CLARIAH Environment for Linguistic Research.
Demonstration at the CLARIAH Toogdag 2019,
Hilversum, The Netherlands,
April 5, 2019.
2018 (12)
M. Windhouwer, S. de Valk, M. Maas.
NDE Termennetwerk.
Hackaton at the CLARIAH Techdag 2.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
November 30, 2018.
P. Wittenburg, M. Windhouwer.
Widely agreed basic statements on metadata.
Breakout session at the Metadata for Machines (M4M) GO FAIR workshop.
Leiden, The Netherlands,
October 15 - 16, 2018.
D. Broeder, M. Windhouwer.
Provenance Information in CMDI.
Poster at the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Pisa, Italy,
October 8 - 10, 2018.
CMDI and Metadata Curation task forces.
CLARIN metadata best practices, curation and support.
Poster at the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Pisa, Italy,
October 8 - 10, 2018.
M. Windhouwer, B. Leenknegt, Q. Ding, D. Broeder.
CLARIAH WP3 Virtual Research Environment & Provenance.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Provenance Workshop.
The Hague, The Netherlands,
September 3, 2018.
M. Windhouwer.
Metadata curation: hands-on session.
Presentation at the CLARIN Centre Meeting.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
June 5 - 6, 2018.
T. Goosen, S. Haaf, M. Windhouwer.
Metadata curation efforts in a nutshell.
Presentation at the CLARIN Centre Meeting.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
June 5 - 6, 2018.
J. Noordegraaf, C. Rasterhoff, M. Windhouwer.
Amsterdam Time Machine.
Presentation at the Time Machine Consortium Meeting.
Neurenberg, Germany,
May 30 - June 1, 2018.
D. Broeder, M. Brouwer, Q. Ding, B. Leenknegt, M. Windhouwer.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Techdag.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
March 29, 2018.
M. Windhouwer.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Techdag.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
March 29, 2018.
R. Zeeman, M. Windhouwer.
Component Metadata & TLA-FLAT.
Demonstration at the CLARIAH Toogdag.
The Hague, The Netherlands,
March 9, 2018.
M. Windhouwer.
Semantic Services in the CLARIN research infrastructure.
Presentation at the Semantic services in EOSC EUDAT workshop.
Porto, Portugal,
January 22 - 23, 2018.
2017 (8)
M. Windhouwer.
Presentation at the Technical Workshop on PARTHENOS service integration.
Pisa, Italy,
October 17 - 19, 2017.
M. Windhouwer.
Mtas in TLA-FLAT.
Presentation at the Mtas Workshop.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
September 25 - 26, 2017.
M. Windhouwer.
TLA-FLAT: a CLARIN-compatible Repository Solution.
Poster at the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Budapest, Hungary,
September 19 - 21, 2017.
T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN metadata best practices and support.
Poster at the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Budapest, Hungary,
September 19 - 21, 2017.
T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer.
CMDI 1.2 - Improvements in the CLARIN Component Metadata Infrastructure.
Presentation at the CLARIN Centre Meeting.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
May 16, 2017.
M. Windhouwer.
Curation in the pre-ingest phase @ Meertens Institute - now & near future.
Presentation at U2CONNECT Repositories: Datacuratie en pre-ingest fase.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
March 9, 2017.
M. Windhouwer.
Fedora Commons in the CLARIN Infrastructure.
Presentation at the CLARIN-PLUS workshop: "Facilitating the Creation of National Consortia - Repositories".
Prague, Czech Republic,
February 9 - 10, 2017.
M. Windhouwer.
LD in the CLARIN infrastructure - CMD2RDF.
Demonstration at the CLARIAH workshop: Linked Data for Linguistic Research (LD4LR).
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
February 6 - 7, 2017.
2016 (7)
T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer.
Component Metadata: CMDI 1.2.
Poster at the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Aix-en-Provence, France,
October 26 - 28, 2016.
D. Broeder, M. Windhouwer.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Techdag.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
October 7, 2016.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer.
Meertens Instituut - Depositie Faciliteit via TLA/FLAT.
Presentation at the CLARIAH Techdag.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
October 7, 2016.
M. Windhouwer, H. Brugman.
Presentation at the CLARIN-PLUS workshop: "Working with Digital Collections of Newspapers".
Leuven, Belgium,
September 19-21, 2016.
M. Windhouwer, D. van Uytvanck.
CLARIN Resources and Tools.
Presentation at the CLARIN-PLUS workshop: "Working with Digital Collections of Newspapers".
Leuven, Belgium,
September 19-21, 2016.
M. Windhouwer.
FLAT: a CLARIN compatible repostory.
Presentation at the Workshop Data Repositories.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
September 2, 2016.
M. Seaton, M. Windhouwer.
CMDI 1.2.
Tutorial at the CLARIN Centre Meeting.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
May 10, 2016.
2015 (7)
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer, O. Shkaravska.
The CLARIN Concept Registry.
Poster at the 26th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 26).
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
December 18, 2015.
M. Windhouwer.
CMDI first aid kit.
Poster at the CLARIN Annual Conference.
Wroclaw, Poland,
October 15 - 17, 2015.
M. Windhouwer.
FIM4R CLARIN pilot - progress report.
Presentation at the IG Federated Identity Management meeting at the RDA 6th Plenary.
Paris, France,
September 23 - 25, 2015.
M. Windhouwer.
Introduction & Status.
Presentation at the CLARIN Centre Meeting CMDI tutorial.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
May 28 - 29, 2015.
M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN Web Services Integration - Overview.
Presentation at the CLARIN Centre Meeting Web Services workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
May 28 - 29, 2015.
M. Windhouwer.
OpenSKOS - a new CLARIN Concept Registry.
Demonstration at the Final event CLARIN-NL.
Hilversum, The Netherlands,
March 13, 2015.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer, M. Kemps-Snijders, D. Broeder.
And what became of the (ISO)cat?
Poster at the 25th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 25).
Antwerp, Belgium,
February 5-6, 2015.
2014 (6)
M. Windhouwer.
(Semantic) Interoperability in the CLARIN Infrastructure.
Presentation at the Succeed workshop on the interoperability of digitization platforms.
The Hague, The Netherlands,
October 2, 2014.
M. Windhouwer, M. Durco.
Lightweight Semantics in the CLARIN Infrastructure.
Presentation at the 1st European Ontology Network (EUON) Workshop.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
September 25, 2014.
M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat demo and providing RELcat input.
Presentation at the CLARIN-NL CMDI tutorial.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
March 4, 2014.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CMDI/ISOcat and Semantic Interoperability.
Presentation at the CLARIN-NL CMDI tutorial.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
March 4, 2014.
M. Windhouwer, I. Schuurman.
ISOcat and RELcat, two cooperating semantic registries.
Presentation at the 24th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 24),
Leiden, The Netherlands,
January 17, 2014.
M. Windhouwer.
RELISH LMF: unlocking the full power of the Lexical Markup Framework.
Poster at the 24th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 24),
Leiden, The Netherlands,
January 17, 2014.
2013 (12)
S. Shayan, A. Moreira, A. Koenig, S. Drude, M. Windhouwer.
Lexus, an online encyclopedic lexicon tool.
At 6th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics.
Poznan, Poland,
December 7-9, 2013.
M. Windhouwer, I. Schuurman.
Poster at the Annual CLARIN Meeting Points of Pride session.
Prague, Czech Republic,
October 21-22, 2013.
T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer.
CMDI 1.2 and beyond.
Presentation at the CMDI Future Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 14, 2013.
M. Windhouwer.
CMDI exploitation issues.
Presentation at the CMDI Future Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 14, 2013.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL: its use of ISOcat.
Poster at the CLARIN-NL International Advisory Panel Demonstration Event.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
September 4, 2013.
M. Windhouwer.
From DC to CMDI.
Presentation at the CMDI interoperability workshop.
June 4-5, 2013.
M. Windhouwer, D. Van Uytvanck.
Metadata quality and curation responsibility.
Presentation at the CMDI interoperability workshop.
June 4-5, 2013.
A. Koenig, M. Windhouwer, P. Trilsbeek, S. Drude.
Curation of Large Diverse Data Collections - The DoBeS Annotations.
At the Exploring data from language documentation workshop.
May 10-11, 2013.
M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat introduction.
Invited lecture at the Data category standards in language technology research infrastructure workshop.
Sydney, Australia,
April 23-24, 2013.
M. Windhouwer.
Collaboratively Defining Widely Accepted Linguistic Data Categories in the ISOcat Data Category Registry.
Presentation at the New Trends in e-Humanities lecture series of the e-Humanities Group.
March 28, 2013.
A. Moreira, M. Windhouwer, A. Koenig, S. Shayan.
Lexus 3 - Uniform presentation methodology for lexica.
At the 3rd International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation - Sharing Worlds of Knowledge
(ICLDC 2013),
Honolulu, Hawai'i, Februari 28-March 3, 2013.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CGN, asking for collaborating cats: ISOcat, RELcat and SCHEMAcat.
Presentation at the 23rd Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands
(CLIN 23).
January 18, 2013.
2012 (8)
S. Drude, M. Windhouwer.
Lexical Markup Framework.
Presentation at the LMF-SL Expert Workshop: A shared LMF core for sign language lexicons.
November 29-30, 2012.
S. Drude, A. Moreira, M. Windhouwer, S. Shayan.
Die Archieverung von lexikalischen LEXUS-3-Datenbanken.
At the Arbeitstreffen - Netzwerk Internetlexicografie: Der lexikografische Prozess bei Internetwrterbchern.
November 22-23, 2012.
M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat for CMDI.
Presentation at the CLARIN-ERIC Conference session on Creation of CMDI Metadata and conversion/curation procedures.
Sofia, Bulgaria,
October 26-28, 2012.
P. Wittenburg, M. Windhouwer, F. van Harmelen, G. Budin, A. Maffei.
Approaches for Tackling Interoperability.
Breakout session at the Global Data Meeting Washington.
Washington, USA,
October 1-3, 2012.
M. Windhouwer.
Towards standardized descriptions of linguistic features: ISOcat and procedures for using common data categories.
Presentation at the KONVENS 2012 workshop Standards for Language Resources.
Vienna, Austria,
September 21, 2012.
M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat demo.
Demonstration at the CLARIN-NL CMDI tutorial.
Nijmegen, The Netherlands,
September 13, 2012.
(slides, video)
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL TTNWW ISOcat tutorial.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 20, 2012.
M. Windhouwer, I. Schuurman.
What do cats have to do with explicit semantics?
Presentation at the 22nd Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 22).
Tilburg, The Netherlands, January 20, 2012.
2011 (7)
P. Wittenburg, D. Broeder, M. Windhouwer, H. Sloetjes.
Language Archiving Technology.
At the 7th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC 2011),
Bristol, United Kingdom, December 5-7, 2011.
M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat -> LMF -> TEI.
Presentation at the Tightening the representation of lexical data, a TEI perspective TEI MM 2011 workshop,
Wrzburg, Germany, October 12, 2011.
I. Nevskaya, M. Windhouwer.
On the way to a Relation Registry for ISOcat data categories.
Presentation at the RELISH-Symposium "RELISH meets LOEWE",
Frankfurt, Germany, October 10, 2011.
M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat and CMDI.
Presentation at the CLARIN-D tutorial,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, September 7-9, 2011.
M. Windhouwer.
Use case: annotation of linguistic resources.
At the Using the OAC Model for Annotation Interoperability. A hands-on introduction to use of the OAC Data Model & Ontology workshop,
Chicago, March 24-25, 2011.
I. Nevskaya, M. Windhouwer, S. Drude, H. Dry.
Making Endangered Languages Dictionaries Interoperable: the RELISH Project.
Poster at the 2nd International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation - Strategies for moving forward
(ICLDC 2011),
Honolulu, Hawai'i, Februari 11-13, 2011.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, S.E. Wright.
Presentation at the CMDI (CLARIN Metadata Infrastructure) Tutorial,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, January 17, 2011.
2010 (11)
M. Windhouwer.
TDS Curator.
Presentation at the CLARIN-NL - Call 1 - ISOcat status meeting,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, September 21, 2010.
M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat and the Typological Database System.
Presentation at the DGfS-CNRS Summer School on Linguistic Typology,
Leipzig, Germany, August 20, 2010.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, S.E. Wright.
Group work and standardization.
Presentation at the TKE 2010 post-conference workshop Standardizing Data Categories in ISOcat: Implementing Group Work for Thematic Domains,
Dublin, Ireland, August 14, 2010.
M. Windhouwer.
Principles of ISOcat, a Data Category Registry.
Presentation at the Workshop on Lexicon Tools and Lexicon Standards,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, August 4-5, 2010.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, S.E. Wright.
ISOcat: an ISO 12620:2009 Data Category Registry.
Presentation at the CLARA Summer School in Advanced Resource Creation, Archiving and Usage,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, July 5-16, 2010.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, S.E. Wright.
Use of ISOcat within CMDI.
Presentation at the CLARIN-NL Metadata Tutorial,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 27, 2010.
M. Kemps-Snijders, S.E. Wright, M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat for data category references.
Presentation at the LREC 2010 tutorial Standards for Language Resources: Overview and Use.
Malta, May 17, 2010.
M. Kemps-Snijders, S.E. Wright, M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat: a short introduction.
Presentation at CLARIN-NL bijeenkomst.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, February 19, 2010.
A. Dimitriadis, D. Roorda, M. Windhouwer.
TDS Curator.
Presentation at CLARIN-NL bijeenkomst.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, February 19, 2010.
M. Windhouwer, A. Dimitriadis.
Sustainable operability: Keeping complex linguistic resources alive.
Presentation at CLIN 20.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, February 5, 2010.
M. Windhouwer.
Typological Database System.
Presentation at the Relation Registry workshop.
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, January 8, 2010.
2009 (8)
M. Windhouwer, P. Wittenburg.
Typological Explorer: a bridge between typological databases and primary linguistic data.
Presentation at the Workshop Virtuelle Forschungsplattformen in den Geisteswissenschaften.
Trier, Germany, October 21-22, 2009.
M. Windhouwer.
Presentation at the Standards Workshop (NEERI 09),
Helsinki, Finland, September 30, 2009.
M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat: Defining widely accepted linguistic concepts.
Presentation at the CLARIN metadata project training,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, September 24-25, 2009.
A. Dimitriadis, M. Windhouwer.
How to integrate databases without starting a typology war: The Typological Database System.
Lecture at the NordLing PhD course: Databases and typology,
Tartu, Estonia, September 14, 2009.
M. Kemps-Snijders, S.E. Wright, M. Windhouwer.
Implementing ISOcat Data Categories for Language Resources in ISO TC 37.
Presentation at the International Conference on Terminology,
Bogota, Columbia, August 15, 2009.
M. Windhouwer.
Semantic Interoperability, ISOcat
Presentation at the CLARIN-NL Call 1 Info Session,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, July 1, 2009.
M. Windhouwer.
A TDS perspective on interoperability and sustainability.
Presentation at the Workshop on Small Tools for Cross-Linguistic Research,
Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 15-16, 2009.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, P. Wittenburg, S.E. Wright.
Report on the ISOcat project.
Presentation at the ISOcat workshop,
Tilburg, The Netherlands, January 7-8, 2009.
2008 (2)
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, P. Wittenburg, S.E. Wright.
ISOcat: A Revised ISO TC 37 Data Category Registry.
At the Conference on Terminology and Information Interoperability - Management of Knowledge and Content (TII 2008),
Moscow, Russia, August 16, 2008.
M. Windhouwer, A. Dimitriadis.
Sustainable operability: Keeping complex resources alive.
Presentation at the FIDLR-start workshop,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 21, 2008.
2007 (7)
A. Dimitriadis, M. Windhouwer, A. Saulwick, T. Bíró, R. Goedemans and K. Hengeveld.
Typological Database System.
Presentation at the 12th Taalgala,
Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 16, 2007.
A. Dimitriadis, M. Windhouwer, A. Saulwick, T. Bíró, R. Goedemans and K. Hengeveld.
TDS launch.
Presentation at the Association for Linguistic Typology - 7th Biennial Meeting (ALT7),
Paris, France, September 25-28, 2007.
A. Dimitriadis, M. Windhouwer, A. Saulwick, T. Bíró, R. Goedemans and K. Hengeveld.
Integrated access to diverse linguistic databases with the Typological Database System.
Presentation at the Association for Linguistic Typology - 7th Biennial Meeting (ALT7),
Paris, France, September 25-28, 2007.
(French translation thanks to E. Aboh)
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, P. Wittenburg, S.E. Wright.
ISOcat: Data Category Registry.
Presentation at the Pragmatic Applications for TC 37 Standards (TC37 2007),
Provo, UT USA, August 16, 2007.
S.E. Wright, M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer.
ISO-Cats: The Revised and Future TC 37 Data Category Registry.
Presentation at the Pragmatic Applications for TC 37 Standards (TC37 2007),
Provo, UT USA, August 13, 2007.
A. Dimitriadis, M. Windhouwer, A. Saulwick, R. Goedemans and T. Bíró.
Managing Differences: The TDS Approach.
Presentation at the E-MELD workshop - Toward the Interoperability of Language Resources (E-MELD 2007),
Stanford, CA USA, July 13-15, 2007.
S.E. Wright, M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer.
ISO-Cats: The TC 37 Metadata Registry.
Presentation at the 10th Annual Open Forum for Metadata Registries,
New York City, NY USA, July 9-11, 2007.
2006 (1)
A. Saulwick, R. Goedemans, A. Dimitriadis, M. Windhouwer.
Architecture and procedures for the integration of linguistic databases in the Typological Database System.
Presentation at the 28th Annual meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (DGfS 2006),
Bielefeld, Germany, February 22-24, 2006.
2005 (3)
M. Windhouwer, A. Dimitriadis, R. Goedemans, A. Saulwick.
Semantic Integration of Typological Databases.
Presentation at the Dutch-Belgian Database Day (DBDBD 2005),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 31, 2005.
A. Dimitriadis, R. Goedemans, A. Saulwick, M. Windhouwer.
Typological Database System: Ontology mediated integration of typological databases for linguistic research.
Poster at the 8th International Protégé Conference (Protégé 2005),
Madrid, Spain, July 18-21, 2005.
A. Dimitriadis, R. Goedemans, A. Saulwick, M. Windhouwer.
The Typological Database System: Integrated access to diverse typological databases.
Presentation at the E-MELD Workshop on Morphosyntactic Annotation and Terminology: Linguistic Ontologies and Data Categories for Linguistic Resources (E-MELD 2005),
Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 1-3, 2005.
2003 (1)
M. Windhouwer.
Usage of XML in Digital Libraries.
Lecture at the advanced SIKS course on Implementing Intelligent Search in XML Data, Zeist, The Netherlands, May 15, 2003.
2002 (3)
M. Windhouwer.
Feature grammar systems: Incremental maintenance of indexes to digital media warehouses.
Presentation at the Workshop on Intelligent XML Search,
Dagstuhl, Germany, December 1-4, 2002.
F. Nack, M. Windhouwer, L. Hardman, E. Pauwels, M. Huijberts.
The Role of High-level and Low-level Features in Style-based Retrieval and Generation of Multimedia Presentations.
Presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Computational Semiotics for Games and New Media (COSIGN 2002),
Augsburg, Germany, September 2-4, 2002.
M. Petkovic, M. Windhouwer, R. van Zwol, H.E. Blok, P.M.G. Apers, M.L. Kersten, W. Jonker.
Content-based Video Indexing for the Support of Digital Library Search.
At the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2002),
San Jose, California, USA, February 2002.
2001 (2)
H.E. Blok, M. Windhouwer, R. van Zwol, M. Petkovic, P.M.G. Apers, M.L. Kersten, W. Jonker.
Flexible and scalable digital library search.
Demonstration at the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2001),
Rome, Italy, September 11-14, 2001.
M. Windhouwer.
The Acoi search engine.
Demonstration at the ICT Kenniscongres 2001,
The Hague, The Netherlands, September 6-7, 2001.
2000 (1)
M. Windhouwer, A.R. Schmidt, M.L. Kersten.
Acoi: A System for Indexing Multimedia Objects.
Demonstration at the 9th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW9),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2000.
1999 (1)
M. Windhouwer, A.R. Schmidt, M.L. Kersten.
Acoi: A System for Indexing Multimedia Objects.
Presentation at the 12th ERCIM Workshop on Database Research,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
November 2-3, 1999.
Workshops and tutorials
2023 (1)
T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer.
CMDI & Vocabs.
Session at the CLARIN Centre Meeting.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
June 14, 2023.
2022 (1)
M. Windhouwer, D. Broeder.
FAIR Semantics Infrastructure.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
October 6, 2022.
2021 (2)
CMDI Taskforce.
The CMDI Sessions - Session #2: Vocabularies for CMDI.
Virtual Event,
December 14, 2021.
CMDI Taskforce.
The CMDI Sessions - Session #1: Metadata Creation.
Virtual Event,
April 20, 2021.
2020 (1)
I. van der Lek, M. Windhouwer.
CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Session of the SSHOC Online Information Sessions: Open-Source Vocabulary Hosting and Management Platforms.
September 30, 2020.
2019 (1)
T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer.
Future of CMDI.
Session at the CLARIN Centre Meeting.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
May 22, 2019.
2018 (1)
D. Broeder, S. Tykhonov, J. de Vries, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIAH Provenance Workshop.
The Hague, The Netherlands,
September 3, 2018.
2017 (1)
D. Broeder, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIAH workshop: Linked Data for Linguistic Research (LD4LR).
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
February 6 - 7, 2017.
2016 (1)
J. Hajič, T. Erjavec, M. Wynne, M. Pol, M. Windhouwer, M. Matthiesen, J. Mišutka, P. Straňák.
CLARIN DSpace Workshop.
Prague, Czech Republic,
November 8 - 10, 2016.
2015 (1)
M. Windhouwer, D. Broeder.
Web Services workshop.
Workshop at the CLARIN Centre Meeting.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
May 28 - 29, 2015.
2013 (4)
D. Broeder, M. Windhouwer.
Semantic Registries Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
December 9, 2013.
D. Broeder, T. Goosen, M. Windhouwer.
CMDI Future Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
October 14, 2013.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL Call 4 ISOcat follow-up Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
October 2, 2013.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL Call 4 ISOcat Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
June 20, 2013.
2012 (4)
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL Call 3 ISOcat follow-up Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
October 10, 2012.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL Call 3 ISOcat Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands,
June 19, 2012.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat in daily life: possible uses of a large repository of widely used linguistic concepts.
Tutorial at the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012),
Istanbul, Turkey, May 21, 2012.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-D ISOcat tutorial.
Berlin, Germany, January 11, 2012.
2011 (2)
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL Call 2 ISOcat follow-up Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 24, 2011.
I. Schuurman, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL Call 2 ISOcat Workshop.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 10, 2011.
2010 (3)
M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL - Call 1 - ISOcat status meeting,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, September 21, 2010.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer.
ISOcat Tutorial.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 25, 2010.
M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer.
Relation Registry workshop.
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, January 8, 2010.
2024 (1)
M. Windhouwer, T. Goosen.
CMDI First Aid Kit - version 7.
CLARIN ERIC, October 2024.
2023 (1)
E. Renkens.
De nieuwe tools van Golden Agents.
August 2023.
2020 (2)
M. Windhouwer.
Menzo's Laboratory.
September 2020.
M. Windhouwer.
A small collection of small tools to process CMD.
September 2020.
2018 (2)
M. Windhouwer, T. Goosen.
CMDI First Aid Kit - version 3.
CLARIN ERIC, October 2018.
M. Windhouwer.
OAI Harvest Viewer.
CLARIN ERIC, July 2018.
2016 (3)
M. Windhouwer.
TLA, October 2016.
L. Lampen, K.J. van de Looij, T. Naskret, M. Windhouwer.
OAI Harvest Manager.
TLA & CLARIN-ERIC, July 2016.
M. Windhouwer, M. Seaton.
CMDI 1.2 toolkit.
CLARIN-ERIC, July 2016.
2015 (1)
M. Windhouwer, A. Moreira, B. van der Veen, G. Silva, D. von Rhein, M. Kemps-Snijders, P. Trilsbeek.
FLAT: a CLARIN compatible home for language resources.
TLA, October 2015.
2014 (3)
E. Indarto, M. Windhouwer.
CLARIN-NL, December 2014.
S. Shayan, A. Moreira, M. Windhouwer.
LEXUS 3.1.
TLA, December 2014.
M. Windhouwer.
TLA, November 2014.
2012 (4)
M. Kemps-Snijders, A. Moreira, S. Shayan, H. Verweij, M. Windhouwer.
LEXUS 3.0.
TLA, November 2012.
M. Windhouwer, J. Petro, I. Nevskaya, S. Drude, H. Aristar-Dry, J. Gippert.
a side product of the RELISH project.
RELISH, October 2012.
M. Windhouwer, J. Petro, I. Nevskaya, S. Drude, H. Aristar-Dry, J. Gippert.
RELISH, October 2012.
V. Akerman, A. Dimitriadis, M. Grootveld, M. Kemps-Snijders, M. Windhouwer, R. Zeeman.
Typological Database System Curator.
CLARIN-NL, April 2012.
(This dataset includes links to the new user interface, documentation, IDDF dumps of the datasets and the code base of both the original TDS (GPL 3) and TDS Curator.)
2011 (1)
M. Windhouwer.
The CLARIN Core CMD model for Web Service descriptions.
CLARIN, November 2011.
2009 (1)
M. Windhouwer.
The ISOcat web interface and services, ISOcat is an ISO 12620:2009 compliant Data Category Registry.
MPI, March 2009.
2007 (2)
T. Bíró, A. Dimitriadis, R. Goedemans, A. Saulwick, M. Windhouwer.
The Typological Database System web interface,
the product of the TDS project.
LOT, May 2007.
M. Windhouwer, R. Goedemans, A. Dimitriadis.
The IPA Console,
a side product of the TDS project.
ACLC, May 2007.
2004 (1)
M. Windhouwer.
Zeepsop (SOAP) and SAX-o-Phone (SAX streams) modules for MonetDB.
CWI, 2003.
2003 (1)
M. Windhouwer.
The early adaptors guide to Acoi.
CWI, 2003.
(Upon request the Acoi source code is available)
2002 (1)
M. Windhouwer.
Digital Media Warehouses CD-Rom (includes the DMW demonstrator).
CWI, 2002.
2001 (1)
M. Windhouwer.
Machine Learning for Information Extraction.
In BNVKI newsletter, February 2001.
1997 (1)
M. Windhouwer.
Parallelle Data Mining met behulp van Dynamische Decompositie.
Msc. Thesis, UvA, June 1997.